
Music that I Listen.


Currently Reading

  • Wings Of Fire - Abdul Kalam And Arun Tiwari - Biography

  • Atomic Habits- James Clear - Self Help

  • The Art Of Concentration In The Age Of Distractions- Amal M Das - Self Help

  • Why I am an Atheist - Bhagat Singh - History

  • Books

    Must Read Books

  • Red Earth and Pouring Rain - Vikram Chandra - Fiction
  • Meditations - Marcus Aurelius - Phiolsophy
  • Beyond Good And Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche - Philosophy
  • The Anarchy - William Dalrymple - History
  • Karmayog - Swami Vivekananda - Self Help
  • Bhaktiyog - Swami Vivekananda - Self Help
  • Gyaanyog - Swami Vivekananda - Self Help
  • Rajyog - Swami Vivekananda - Self Help
  • Tamas - Bhishma Sahni - Historical Fiction
  • Kashi Ka Assi - Kashinath Singh - Non Fiction